A real dude.

Gamer, Worker, Tiger In the Sack.
Typically has 2 BFFS that he plays GTA V with earning tons of money and always spreads the wealth. A great guy.
Random person: "You see that guy over there with the two cool ass friends?!"
Guy Two: "Yeah, his name is probably Randell - they always got it like that."
by Guitar_King86 March 26, 2021
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Randel is a powerful yet wise man, he has conquered the power of darkness and death through the power of his bright light. Shield or wolf is symbolises his incredible and seductive name, a defender of Asguardians, the heavens, and the humankind against supernatural forces. His the king of fairy kingdom, a ruler and guardian of light and order, who brings balance and healing to all living things. His presence shuns like ray of sunlight, as his wrath exemplify as a power of lighting and thunder. The fire in his heart and water as calm as the sea in his skin will heal you. Despite losing the battle from Thanos, from Avengers end game, he protected the infinity stones to rescue the heroes from Satan’s power, that all living creatures will have a promising and happy ever after. The might of his strength can move mountains, planets, souls, seas, wind, fire, like a tremendous defying gravity. Diamonds symbolises his purity, gold symbolises his heart, crystals symbolises his eyes and amethyst symbolises his love, ultimately ruby symbolises his passion for helping others.

Nature is his favourite place to live, aside from other planets or dimensions. He loves the sound of the breezing air, the calmness of the waters, the healing powers of floras , and the abundant diversity of Faunas. His taught scan read mind, move matter like a telepathic and telekinesis energy.
Since James was the chief captain, Randel was his special subordinate.

Dr. Randel, please proceed to emergency room.
by Auriferrous November 24, 2021
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randells are almost always hairy. verrrrrrry hairy.
guy 1: whoa, man that guy is hairy.

guy 2: omg!

guy 1: his name must be randell!
by randellwannabe October 26, 2008
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When a man forces himself on a defenseless girl; to act without thinking about what he is doing and then later being chirped...for life.
Cam: Yo look over there in that bush i think that girl is being randelled!

Crawley: Omg! I think you're right :o

Cam: Should we help?

Crawley: Nahh, lets let him get his randell over with :)
by Bcrawl July 24, 2009
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Randel is the name that stupid people give to yandel. On of the best artist in reggaeton.
Stupid guy from Felix Varela HS: "i just got the newest album from 'wisin y randel'!!"
Me: "dont be such a dumbass, its wisin y YANDEL"
by NicaCop February 19, 2006
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Randell= child rapist
Eww it's a Randell. Let's beat his ass
by Vijay Shahenshah April 17, 2018
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When a really ugly dude somehow attracts and fucks a super hot chick.
Guy 1: Yo did you hear Herbert fucked Stacy at Liam's party?

Guy 2: Yeah man, how the fuck did that ugly fucker land such a hot chick?

Guy 1: It's simple my friend, he practices the Randell Effect.
by RandellFan12 April 30, 2019
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