State of being.Getting hyped or
Friday night....time to get my raggle on!
by Julie Raggle May 15, 2017
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A term used as the act of attempting to or succeding in sneaking up on someone.
Tim- I think someone is behind me....



Mark- Yo dude i scared the shit out of you...

Tim- Your an asshole

As seen above Mark used the only technique he knew in scaring Tim, by screaming RAGGLE FRAGGLE he succeded.
by Nick Hutcheson November 7, 2006
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1. A term used to replace as many words in a sentence as you like. Raggle Fraggle is always capitalized no matter where in a sentence it is used.

2. A greeting used by somewhat immature boys to express a general good mood.

3. To replace the word "what" while asking a question.

4. Used while sneaking up on someone to scare the shit out of them. Very effective if done very quietly, or if people forget you're there.
Justin: Raggle Fraggle. (how's it going)
Jon: Raggle Fraggle? (what)
Justin: Raggle Fraggle man! (What the hell man?)
Jon: Yeah, Raggle Fraggle! (Yeah, what the hell?)
by Raine342 June 6, 2009
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random ouburst made by sasquatches in billy and mandy now used by greebos(who r awesomey)at rednock as either a random out burst or to scare the shit into someone.
example one

Charlie:hey jables!
Jables(James):RAGGLE FRAGGLE!!!!
Charlie:what the fuck mon

example 2

Dickwad:(walking along)tum ti tum, doo do doo
Jables:(jumps out of a bush)RAGGLE FRAGGLE!!!!!!
Dickwad: what the fuck u crazy leprichaun
Jables:(super pissed cuse he is half irish)FUCK U DICKCHEESE U LIL CUNT SUCKING OTHER FUCKER(and is now beating him to death with a thimble
by Jables a.k.a james alvis April 30, 2007
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a girl whose teeth resemble those of a jagged great white shark

hey, Mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla, i heard that bitch is so raggletoothed she would slice clean through your dick before you even knew what hit ya
hey, mike watch out on your date tonight with Kayla; I heard that bitch is so raggle toothed she would slice clean through your dick like a shark on a seals ass
by Insert Name Here March 11, 2015
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A Outburst that people use when excited or surprised; A common phrase used by people in the tourettes institution.
Guy 1: Hey man was up?
Guy with tourettes: Ahh nothing much how bout you?
Guy 1: Oh nothing just got back from work
Guy with tourettes: oh thats co...RAGGLE FRAGGLE!
Guy 1: AHHH! You bastard...

by Zack Herrell November 26, 2006
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