Means more POWERFUL than love.

(SLANG) can be used in many different ways relating to love and/or sex in some cases. Can also refer to the genatalia.
1)Me and my girlfriend are so in quang!


3)I quanged some bitch last night!

4)I'm so in quang!

5.)I gotta get me some quang dude!

6.)You're such a huge quang sometimes!

by Quangmeiser. March 11, 2009
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A male name of Vietnamese origin. It means 'clear'.

A cuddly chocoholic that requires plenty of TLC to thrive.

You would give your right arm and favourite plushie just to have his smile.
My Quang is better than your Quang ^_^
by Pummeluff March 22, 2007
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A quang is a specimen known to humankind as a makhaya.
Me:Wow check makhaya playing waterpolo

Girl :he really is a quang
by Jeffrey burns October 20, 2019
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Can be used as a verb, noun, or remotely any insult. Describes a person who has the intelligence of an Amoeba, and cannot process basic information correctly.
"Amazing how you were the fastest of all the Sperm, but the slowest in real life, you fucking Quang."

"Holy shit Beommo just pulled a Quang!"
by TiltedFurry March 31, 2019
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A more polite word for nob
The man is a complete Quange
by DarrenC February 15, 2004
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He is a cunt who always points out the littlest things and complains all day. he goes to sleep from either 1-4 am and always tries to flex on people that he has a social life. He lives with his mum because his dad was a faggot towards him
Me: Dude what time is it
by HentaiExpert101 September 17, 2018
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