A bitch ass nigga that acts gay and wishes he had a pussy usually named Rury
That nigga is a pussy bitch nigga cunt
by Dope Ass White Nigga May 15, 2017
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A mixture of Piss Female Cum, Vaginal Sweat, and occasional Period Blood, which is drunk by a man performing a Blumpkin on a woman. The man will start to thirst for more Blumpkin Cunt Pussy Juice, and become a Blumpaholic.
Steve: Man I’m thirsty for some of that Blumpkin Cunt Pussy Juice.
by ZJeski March 29, 2020
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A Gentle and simple chant you can chant when you are sitting the boys and you 'bout go pop dat pussy
John: oh look There clyde and greg!
Clyde: oh tight, your Think we can score?
Greg: Absolutely!

All: Pussy penis cunt and vag! Pussy penis cunt and vag! Pussy penis cunt and vag!
by TheTinyTheorist May 31, 2017
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When someone or something is looking hot, doing something iconic or amazing.
It’s giving cunt pussy queen
by Cuntpussyqueen January 16, 2023
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