prOnk (prank in an english accent)

play a trick or practical joke on (someone).
"the individuals who were pronk thought they were auditioning to be a TV show host"
by mustardman September 30, 2020
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"Dude! Test came back HIV+? You got so pronked!"
by fluffybunnyfeet August 18, 2007
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noun | closeted hipster evangelical "christian" show pony preacher
Newspring has a stable of pronks.
by Chelebrity Wife April 16, 2018
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From the word pronk, used to indicate good or very.
Pronking is a term everyone in Virginia's 11th district uses!
by Mo4567 May 13, 2008
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verb The act of watching porn, especially when you are the Pr0n King.
Gerry: 'Hey, Im horny. Imma go pronk now!'

Vivian: I didn't sleep much last night...
Clare: Me neither! All that pronking kept me up...
by Hamrette September 21, 2010
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Pronk (afrikaans); om te pronk (action). This is the action of giving, receiving and creating attention (pronk). You can do this by proudly dancing for your man, giving him all your seductive moves, hugs, kisses and touches. If you do it right your man will have all of your attention, as well as every woman's jealousy and every man's envy. To "pronk" is to give all your attention to the man you are with while indirectly winning the attention of every other person in the room. If done correctly you will have the undevided attention of every man (because they cant have you) and every female (because they are not you).
"Ek pronk, met trots net vir jou". "Dit maak my mal as jy vir my pronk". "Wens my girl wil so vir my pronk"
by Pronkbaby June 1, 2014
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Means good or very, well at least it does in Virginias 11th district.
Would Somebody hand me a Pronk?

Not doing so would be very Pronked

Person A: Youre out of order!

Virginian: Well youre pronk of order!
by Fooliotic May 28, 2008
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