A wimp, someone who pretends to be "buff", or "macho" but actually dosent do anything.

oddly enough...sound like panzer, panzerfaust, and panzershreck which were all feared weapons of the ww2 era..
tom- wow bob, ure such a panzy, you wont even go down a 4 foot slide!

bob- shutup tom, i'll kick your ass!

tom- ok, do it

bob- well, ummm.......i dont feel like it.

tom- panzy....
by T.C. From Raleigh!!! October 21, 2007
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The kid you always team up on in Dodgeball.
Panzy: I went fucking Adventurous today, I didnt wash my carrots before i ate them.
by Russian communist July 26, 2006
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a panzer tank covered in flowers
"aww what a pretty display"
"thats not a display thats a panzy.RUN!"
by phil September 2, 2004
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usually a brown kid, that wears a blue hat and girl pants with shoelaces as a belt. Also a major swaggerjacker. also known as panz man, panzmaister, panzeratto.
grow a pair and stop being a straight panzy.
by Panzyman December 18, 2010
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A person who acts like a macho but in fact is an emo biotch. seems to have no balls and doesnt stand up for what is claimed to be his beliefs
John A. Butler, gets into arguments online over stupid shit but backs down, the bloody wanking panzy
by Jerkyjeekyjoo January 13, 2010
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refer to Hazim a big fat ugly piece of fuck and he is so gay. He is a fucker or a mother fucker
hazim is a panzi a big fat pece of fuck and he is so gay adn dumb everyone watns to kick the fuckers ass.
by safwaan islam October 28, 2004
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My Mother, shes a FULL on pazi, person who uses lame excuses to make you cut your hair, the same way its been for 7 years,
ive woked for 40 years, i can cut my hair! (mum)

"omg mum, your a Panzi!"
by Panzi Sufferer September 14, 2006
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