i lost nnn to dont mind at night official minecraft music video.
by IEatKidsForBreakFast November 23, 2018
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Abbreviated No Nut November, an internet challenge where males attempt to go the entire month of November without ejaculating. Often causes more trouble than its worth, as males become increasingly distracted by their rising libido, and often unintentionally end up impregnating their significant others due to much higher seminal volume when they finally give in.
Marcus had been on NNN for about 10 days, and already it was starting to get to him. He felt sooo backed up downstairs, and even the not so hot chicks had turned into models. So It didn’t help when his girlfriend Chelsey decided to surprise him after an evening together. He couldn’t Resist, So he pulled out a condom and went to town. Even with the condom on, the sensations of her tightly gripping his manhood were intensified and mind numbing. It would only be a few minutes before he felt his groin rumble and begin to erupt. However, in his haste, he had forgotten to leave room in the end of the condom for a reservoir, and so when he pulled himself in tight and grunted loudly, his much larger load tore straight through the condom wall, his seed getting blasted directly into her womb. As he finished and held himself inside for a moment to bask at the wonderful sensation, he realized it felt TOO good. And to his horror, he realized the condom had burst and she was very likely going to be pregnant.
by health&wellness54 November 7, 2020
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A month in which all mens meat, gay or not shant be beaten
God i just failed nnn
by dicky daddy November 23, 2019
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no nipple november, when you cut off your nipples for november and let them regrow in december
person 1“dude i’m participating in nnn”
person 2 “oh cool dude me too, i’m shaving mine off this year”
by unicorngirlxxbbangel4023 November 21, 2019
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A quick simple way to say no nut November, or secretly say how well your NNN is doing and how well behaved you’ve been during NNN
Nov 1st, well boys looks like it’s NNN.”
by Liacomeagain November 2, 2019
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This is the hardest time for everyone in general. NNN meaning "No Nut November" is the hardest because the teens of this era are very sexually active. They are always nutting and they are always doing something sexual. This month, 3/4 of the people fail. If you succeed in this month, you may as well get a gold metal.
Random Person 1: What does NNN mean?
Random Person 2: It means No Nut November, dont nut.
Random Person 1: Im screwed..
by 40ozfist November 3, 2019
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