n. any night specifically dedicated to the bonding of bros or men and men specifically. can also be used to educate said men in web videos, classic movies from the 80's, video games, and sparkler bomb making.
Hey, man! You goin to man night tonight?
by Chris Boemler January 11, 2008
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When manly men gather to do manly things. nothing like a sleepover.Drink mountain dew, play xbox, blow things up etc.
we gotta have a man night this vacation!
by Bsully January 6, 2013
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A man on late night television, who makes the most bland, safe, and tired Trump jokes over and over again.

See: Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, NPComedian #788382, Jimmy Kimmel
Man, I sure can never get enough of this Late Night Funny Man, he sure is the funniest, most daring, and original one I've ever seen!
by JeromeKuiperBelt July 5, 2020
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Where a few actual bros get together, eat, chill, and do crazy stuff.
by rockswim February 12, 2012
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A night where a group of friends have to say yes to anything. It can’t be anything that would harm the person mentally or physically
Let’s have a yes man night- Jessi Smiles
by Crazyandalone16 January 24, 2020
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An intensely manly film that would be served well with an indefinably large quantity of bbq sauce covered meat at a manly gathering.
Dude, The Expendables is going to be an instant man night classic.
by baconarray April 8, 2010
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