Dude - he knows what a portmanteau is. Must be a real neuron.
by Bonneedee June 14, 2011
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Monkey see Monkey do. When one monkey gets an idea after seeing a triggering action. The meme comes from the game ancestors and is used to display a monkey image looking at a sexual or funny image with the term as the caption.
by NollyPolly March 16, 2021
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It is possible for a person with less brain cells to hijack extra brain cells from a highly intelligent person. The most common method is when a guy sleeps with his girlfriend's head against his while sort of trapping her with his arms. When the person receiving the transfer wakes up they instantly feel smarter and know that it worked. The girlfriend will wake up feeling the same because her neurons and glial cells regenerate at a very rapid rate. This is a symbiotic relationship because the girl is just as smart yet her boyfriend isn't quite as dumb and she doesn't have to put up with his dumb ass as much.
"Im much smarter today. I think the neuron jacking worked last night "
by Challbaby82 June 8, 2016
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a type of brain cells that are activated both when an individual performs an action and when they observe another individual performing the same action.
you see someone smile, your mirror neurons activate, allowing you to experience the feeling of happiness or joy that the other person is experiencing. Similarly, when you watch a skilled athlete perform a complex movement, your mirror neurons activate, enabling you to understand how the movement is performed and potentially allowing you to learn the movement yourself through imitation.
by bbniyo March 10, 2023
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A neuron burner is a problem that you need to think long and hard about. It's similar to "being in the zone" in terms of the effort of concentration, but "in the zone" does not describe the difficulty of the problem, which"neuron burner" does.
"The instructions for this microwave are a real neuron burner"
"This test was one neuron burner after another! Glad it's over."
by bjotec May 29, 2022
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A "Disease" which is not even a disease. An illness that gradually destroys the motor neurons in your body. Eventually the sufferer wont be able to do anything. The Hollywood actor, David Niven had the "disease". There is no known cause of the illness, nor a cure, but there is research going into the prospect of using stem cells to recreate the savaged motor neurons, but it's not yet known if the disease will destroy the new ones too. Has nothing to do with shakey hands.
My dad had trouble walking, he went to the doctor for tests. He later found out he had motor neuron disease. A while later he got pnumonia and died 3 days after christmas day, and I was 12!
by christ0pherjack December 21, 2005
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A complete idiot. Someone without a brain cell to their name.
It's only to be expected that Dicky let Leo crash out in his pad after Leo had stolen stuff from everyone else he'd stayed with. So what if Dicky was warned about it in advance? He's a neuron-free zone.
by Fearman August 9, 2007
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