1.Latin: a nose or beak
2.Slang: Someone who can't keep there nose out of other peoples' business nebbing
3.Slang: An annoying spoilt brat
4.A reversal of the name 'Ben'
5.Most importantly, an amazing, much loved boy (not a beak...or a nosey person...or a spoilt brat) (also, see gangsta), who plays chess like a pro! An amazing drummer, guitarist and everything else he wants to be. You'll see this boy as frontman for some huge band in the future. Eyes peeled, folks.
1 What a lovely beak you have there
2 For pete's sake, leave me alone, it's none of your darn beeswax
3 They're so spoilt. They don't deserve half the thing's they have.
4 Why is he called Neb..? Ohhh i get it.. beN..Ben..ahhh...I'm a genius :)
5 Oh Myyyyy That was a good game of chess! Neb, you're rather amazing to be entirely honest!
by JizzMinxxxx!LOL. January 27, 2007
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A policeman who isn't a cunt
badman 1 : "shit hide the bud its the feds"

badman 2: "nah man allow it , he's a neb"
badman 1: "safe"
by Nokia God June 3, 2017
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>John: Shouldn't you ring Jane so she doesn't break up with you because she caught you sleeping with Tammy?
>Alex: No, I'm NEB, Jane's boring, Tammy's not.
by Pandaeyes1999 April 16, 2014
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Term for cutting your balls off and turning them into anal beads and using them on yourself
Person 1: Dude, where are your balls.
Person 2: Didn't you hear, I performed neB. My girlfriend asked me too.
by The Fascist Dolphin September 11, 2018
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A reversal of the name 'Ben'. Usually used to describe someone who is weird, preferably by the name of Ben.
Ben is such a Neb!
by Anonymous July 20, 2003
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A person who has their nose in everyone else's business. A busybody.
Don't be so nebby!
by r.m. adams January 7, 2004
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