The person who searched this, if your name is Adrien... I have a feeling you should know this. MARINETTE IS LADYBUG, YOU ARE CHAT NOIR AND YOUR DAD IS A BALDY JUST LIKE YOU: HAWKMOTH. ASPIK IS BALD. see like father like son. Anyway, if you are Gabriel Agreste, I want you to know. She is not just an assistant. SHut UP ✋ ok. if you are a stranger hello and goodbye. I will never see you again.
Oh, yeah, she's just a friend who likes fashion! Besides, she has Luka!
Plagg: *slaps him*
by Just A Friend 😀🔫 June 13, 2021
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The world's worst three words that a girl never wants to hear when they are in love so deeply with someone
Can we just be friends.

We can still just be friends
by Honestasia August 23, 2017
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A kind phrase that is said to end a relationship with another person. However, that person doesn't actually intend to become friends with the person he or she is breaking up with. Another way of perceiving this phrase is: "I'll talk to you today, but I don't intend to see or talk to you ever again."
"I know we've been going out for a couple of months, but I can't see you anything more than Just a Friend."
by Elmer March 31, 2005
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When Adrien Agreste forgets to use his brain cells AND OPEN HIS EYES to see the love of his life Marinette in front of him, so he doesn't see that he loves her and spouts this bs phrase (please Adrien look at how she is your safe place and how happy she makes you and also HOW SHE WOULD LOOK IF YOU SLAPPED A LADYBUG MASK ON HER FACE)
" Marinette can't possibly be in love with me, she's just a friend who loves fashon bsides there's Luka"
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A term a guy uses when he is constantly asked by a girl (girl 1) what he thinks about another girl (girl 2). Instead of sharing with the girl asking the question (girl 1) how he really feels about the girl (girl 2), he uses the term to avoid the (girl 1) drama or a mental breakdown if he, in fact, tells her he actually is attracted to the girl she is asking about (girl 2).
Cyndi: Who is that girl you are talking to online, Rachel?
Brian: Oh well, just a friend!
Brian to David: So, I met this hottie online and we went out on a date yesterday.
David: I know, Cyndi told me her name was Rachel, but whay did you tell Cyndi she was a just a friend.
Brian: Dave, you know how obsessive and crazy Cyndi gets...
by notreallywhohesaidIwas September 9, 2013
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1.Used mainly in cases where a relationship ends as in

a. When a women explains the relationship you share or

b.What your girlfriend calls a guy she's seeing behind your back.
Guy: I love you.
Girl: Sorry, but I don't see our relationship going further than just friends.

Biz Markie: Oh baby, YOU! YOU GOT WHAT I NEEED. But you say he's just a friend.
by num421337 March 30, 2010
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Used when referring to someone you have a crush on but you're in extreme denial over it.
"looks like we already have two lovebirds."

*Whatever, she's just a friend"

"You like her a lot, huh?"

"Marinette? Yeah of course, she's a very good friend!"
by MLBFanbase10 March 4, 2021
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