"Tom Cruise really 'jumped the couch' on the Oprah show yesterday. Someone confiscate his crack-pipe!"
by Vanessa Anne August 19, 2005
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The defining moment when you know someone has finally lost his or her marbles. Inspired by Tom Cruise's behavior on Oprah when he jumped up and down maniacally on her couch, while professing his undying love for actress Katie Holmes. Reportedly much easier to accomplish than going off a "deep end".
There's no doubt about it, she's finally 'jumping the couch' with that one.
by Jim Scott December 4, 2005
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The act of totally and completely losing one's coolness and becoming a big dork in front of many people (also can be used as 'jumping the couch').
Tom Cruise lost his marbles and looked like an idiot when he jumped the couch on Oprah.

Timmy can't stop jumping the couch with all those fat sluts he brags about banging.
by philbad August 2, 2005
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to exhibit strange or frenetic behaviour
During his interview on the Oprah show Tom Cruise began to jump the couch and went crazy...
by pseudonymwriter January 2, 2006
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See also
jump the couch, or jumping the couch

Bizarre behaviour or statement(s) of a formerly beloved celebrity recognized as the exact moment when the world realizes this person has lost touch with reality and their popularity plummets.

Inspired by Tom Cruise's behaviour when he tried unsuccessfully to convince the world of his mutual , non-transactional, hetero love for Katie Holmes.

See also "Jumping the Shark" as the original idiom, which was coined in 1985 by Jon Hein in response to a 1977 episode from the fifth season of the American sitcom Happy Days, in which Fonzie (Henry Winkler) jumps over a shark while on water-skis. The phrase is pejorative and is used to argue that a creative outlet or work appears to be making a misguided attempt at generating new attention or publicity for something that is perceived once to have been widely popular, but is no longer.

See also Matthew
McConaughey's Oscars acceptance speech at the 2014 academy Awards.

Update: See Will Smith at the 2022 Academy Awards.
Oof Will Smith really jumped the couch last night with that shit he pulled at the Oscars.
by Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy March 28, 2022
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<While in prison>
Convict A: Oooh, see him 'n his tight little ass?
Convict B: Yeah, player. Dats so hawt.
Convict A: He best watch himself and that cute little behind. Or I'ma jump his couch.

<Two people talking>

Tom: Man, Vanessa is goin' to come over tonight.
Tim: Yeah? You finally gonna hit that?
Tom: Yeah, she and I were talking. She said I could jump the couch with her.
by MonkeyStomp January 2, 2006
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