hot girls are teens you would like to bang or have sex with or see naked
My friend said his girl friend wanted to bang him and said she`s a hot girls.
by calvin ortiz November 14, 2007
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a. A very attractive girl. Usually refers to people aged from 14-27.

b. A girl who turns on men instantly.

c. Someone many guys like to stare at.

d. A girl you wouldn't mind dating. That is, if you got the guts to ask her out and get a "yes."

e. An arrogant female who thinks looks justify that they're better than others who aren't good looking.

f. Someone you would go out and have sex with for one night, but not necessarily for a long-term relationship.

g. A girl who has a good body and nice face with a very good match up between the two.
Look at that hot girl; I'd pay $100 to screw her right now!
by Melvin720720 September 22, 2009
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Friend 1: hey I just met this hot girl online!
Friend 2: Dude she probably used photoshop to get big tits.
by AlexJenkins December 3, 2010
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If you're a guy who looked this up on urban dictionary, grow up. It shows a lack of maturity and a lack of respect for women. It's their bodies, not yours so stop sexualising them.
“ That hot girl over there is sexy
Shut up dude, she's a person too!”
by jesuisworm May 26, 2021
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Females who consider there body’s a way to control man, when really they’re the ones being controlled .
by No ham Sam July 14, 2019
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something that doesn't exist anymore. it sucks.
there are no hot girls in the world anymore. :`(
by da booze man September 4, 2006
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“A hot girl” is a girl that has been fucked by the whole squad. A “hot girl” can also be a loud mouth girl that twerks at parties knowing her pussy stank.
Damn her shit stank , she’s definitely a hot girl.
by City biy July 22, 2019
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