A variation of a pig which is either hairy, from a highland part of a country or both.
"My lord Kelsey did you see the massive Hig slaughter factory in Glasgow?"
"The great Hig genocide of 2009 was really tragic."
by ComicalTheory March 20, 2017
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hig is anouther word for cigarittes
Person 1: Bum me a deace hig
Person 2: Alright man
by Headism August 7, 2008
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verb, to hug
by Igg August 26, 2003
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A redneck BBQ.
A get-together of country hicks.
Last night was the best hig them McCoys put on yet!

We're going to a hig tonight. Be back later.
by *Man who makes words* July 19, 2009
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1) A HOE with a disease. 2) A HUSSY with a disease. 3) A SKANK with a disease.
You hig!
by Cherry February 28, 2003
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example: Rainbow Dash, do you really want to hig Soarin to death? naughty pony
by The American Urban Dictionary September 7, 2020
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To join the same network as another Facebook user to get a better look at their profile.
"Why are you in the Toronto network now Ivan?"

"I just wanted to browse the Hig" (Higino: a recently added irritant to a Facebook group)

Therefore: 'Browse the Hig'
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