1. extreme, unmitigated

2. explicit, especially in a pornographic way
He turned into a hard core marine after a month among them.
by The Return of Light Joker December 19, 2009
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pretending that something is the dogs bollocks when really it isn't
by souch13 May 18, 2005
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Hard-Core isn`t something you can learn by reading a book or seating in a classroom, is no something you can teach your friends or parents you don`t know what it is.

Hard-Core is a way of life...

Hard-Core is our way of life...
NYHC-Boston hardore-Straight Edge, etc
by Leo March 3, 2005
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used to diss an act/person/object considered cool by a certain sub-culture - considered rather pitiful by outsiders
those unemployed/uneducated rudeniks driving up and down outside the college trying to pick up high-school girls are so hardcore
by tink May 3, 2004
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damn loser teanagers who try to act cool, but just end up looking like retards..
that damn group of people trying to be all hard-core are just a bunch of losers who will never get layed except for some damn hastings hoe!
by coca November 1, 2003
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punk rockin, leather strap wearin, mosh pittin extremists
i feel so hard core with steel-toes on.
by Leya Fish January 20, 2003
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Seeing as she's the most hard core person on the planet, Rebekah Cecillia Zale, flexed her big gunz and startled little children everywhere.
by best marching leader ever! October 15, 2004
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