something that is cool,and that is also great
''that car is so grool''
by Mrs.B.ferdinand-spears March 10, 2005
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A word in mean girls That means great and cool mixed together.
Boy: "I can tutor you after school tomorrow if your free?"
Girl: "Grool!"
by Hi :))))) December 1, 2016
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when you are talking to THE HOTTEST GUY ON EARTH and he invites you to a party or the movies and you are about to say great but then at the last secound, say cool and it comes out to be GROOL...then end up sounding like a HUGE LOSER when your explaining to the hot guy what you just said
SEXII GUY-" u wanna come to this party im going to tonight with me?"
YOU- "yeah sure..sounds fun"
SEXII GUY-" ill pick you up at 8ish?.."
YOU-"grool..err...great, haha i was going to say great but then said cool and i came out as grool..."
SEXII GUY-"lol..k grool.."
YOU(talking to yourself in your head)- OMG im such a loser hes never going to ever ask me out again!! i cant believe i just said that...what is GROOL anyway. UGH ILL NEVER B ABLE 2 face him again!!!
by renee zambelletti June 16, 2008
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Grool is a combination of great and cool. Sometimes comes out by trying to say two words at once.
Me: What time is the Party?
You: 7:30pm
Me: Grool
by SanchoRamirez April 28, 2016
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any fleshy part of meat or poultry that is considered refuse, or undesirable to be eaten. it consists of tendons, ligaments, fat, and sometimes veins.

people who continue to indulge into the grool part of the meat fall into the category of MEAF
How am I supposed to eat this steak? It's more grool than actual meat!
by truthseeker__ February 8, 2011
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a real groovy word mash of great and cool
damn sussan you look grool
by dicksdotricks August 21, 2017
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