Derived from the witnessing of actions of the severly mentally handicapped. Word is often accompanied with both arms in motion, hands clasped with only the index fingers extended, right arm pointed upward and left arm pointed to center of body. Meaning is: that is dumb or they, you or I am dumb.
As a Verb: He goinks at the driver for not taking his turn at the stop sign.

As a Noun: Lewis is such a freaking Goink.

As an Interjection: That was stupid, GOINK!

I should know, I made up the word goink. All other definitions are not as applicable, GOINK!

by Somebody that knows Blake April 23, 2007
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An adaptation on the work gank. When you are in the process of ganking an object, you say the word "Goink" while doing so. Goink is usually used in a friendly manner when you are stealing something with the full knowledge but not permission of the owner.
"I'm going to take your pen" *Reach out hand and place it on pen.* "Goink!" *Take the pen.*
by Jen June 11, 2004
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Verb. To have sex; to have sex with. Basically, a synonym for screw.
"I can't believe you two finally goinked!" -- Mell in Narbonic
by crazymell April 24, 2006
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The part of your finger above your knuckles, and below your first joint. It's about an inch long.
"Do you have hair on your goink?"
"Can I suck on your goink?"
by allana October 1, 2006
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The onomatopoeia for being poked in the eye
"Oh crap, that stick just goinked me in the eye!"

"Come here so i can goink you in the eye with my finger"
by GrolschMan February 17, 2010
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A person normally found wearing cheap £4 denim jeans (usually from primark) and a black band tshirt. Hair is normally unkempt and there is a rugged bum fluff esque beard.If lucky, a goink may also be seen wearing a denim jacket. Footwear is always either brown shoes or hi-tech trainers that you can buy for about £5.
Ah man that guy is such a goink,
Look at that goink in the led zepplin tshirt
Only goinks would wear something as unstylish as that
by dannyjeff October 28, 2008
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To be confused in a moment of importance and not realize what you say.
"Damn, I got goinked when my turn came around that I just said the first thing that came to my mind and humiliated myself"
by Anonymous January 19, 2003
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