Gay for Glee - When you are such a fan of the TV show Glee that you realize you might be Gay.
I watch so much Glee I think I'm becoming "GFG - Gay for Glee"
by Gleeman August 4, 2010
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Go For it Girl: used to cheer others on, can also be GO FOR it GUYS
thing #1: *running a race about to give up*
teammates: GFG! GFG! GFG!
thing #1:GFG! *gains motivation and wins the race*
by severnaparkhighschoolgirls September 3, 2020
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Get Fucking Good

Used when a pro is telling a noob that he sucks and needs to get better.
Player 1: *Kills player 2*
Player 2: OMG
Player 1: *Kills player 2 again*
Player 2: Wtfhax?!?!11?!/1!?!?!?!?!?1??
Player 1: Gfg nub.
by `nathan. February 3, 2008
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Friend: Not sure if the girl sitting accross from me is pretty or not.

You: Well she's basically eye fucking you man just GFG!
by alwaysawake February 29, 2012
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go fucking google it

used when some dumbass asks you a stupid question and you dont feel like answering it
dick: hey rick what is the capital of america?

rick: you idiot gfg, dumbass!
by millertime62 March 25, 2008
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Good Fucking Going

Most often used in a sarcastic sense to imply that someone has done someting idiotic or worthy of repremand.
Me: GFG Agess! You just got us killed... again.
Agess: *slashwrists*
by Lenfent May 26, 2006
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