A black person who likes to emo a lot
Person 1 : "Omg why ain't he talking to us?"
Person 2: "I think he's pissed we ripped on his skin color"
Person 1: "That bitch is Gaffaing on us again."
by johnnylegend March 3, 2010
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Would you like a gaffa, our do you want a gaffa.twos up on a gaffa.
by Mervyn David Hack March 15, 2008
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Gaffa Cake, derived from GAF, Gay As Fuck, and Jaffa Cake, obviously.
Gaffa Cake, even gayer than GAF.
"Mate, dont be such a Gaffa Cake!"
by Gaffa As Fuck November 21, 2013
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a woman who has a really gorgeous body but who has a dodgy voice and a minging face so the only way you can bring yourself to fuck her is if you stick gaffa tape (duct tape) over her mouth and a paper bag on her head
by jamfsob August 6, 2003
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