An event where you have fun, and have a good time.

It can also be used to describe a person, meaning they are fun, and "a good laugh".
Sliding down those stairs head-first on an air mattress was a frisk!

I always have fun with Dave. He's a frisk.
by Col April 23, 2004
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Frisk is Australian Police code and also Australian slang for either a undercover police officer or someone who is a police informant or someone who is happy to just feed police information about criminal activity.
Police Officer:"have you got confirmation from our frisk ?"

"Be careful I heard James has turned frisk stay away from that frisk"
by JohnNada February 13, 2021
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Frisk is well known to be a person who touches kids predominantly boys they are known to do this because they are born with very small penis and because of this they are a dud root and females can't stand to fuck them so they end up becoming frisks
Hey sharee your husband James is a frisk the dirty bastard frisked my son's ass last night
by JohnNada February 18, 2021
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When a croquette contains prawns and cheese and is eaten the morning after it is bought; you frisk.
by Tarts on Tour March 10, 2014
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the BEST friend you will ever meet. frisk is an amazing person and if u are their friend, u should feel honoured. they are unreplaceable.

also frisk is very hot and swaggy
person a: this is my friend frisk
frisk: hi
person b: damn, ur lucky to be friends with them
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The main protagonist of the hit RPG, Undertale. This character is usually silent and is controlled by the player.
A nice name.

- Asriel Dreemurr
by YoshiGPLS January 9, 2023
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Middle-school slang: to reach down a girl's panties and finger her.
"I heard Keith frisked Mandy in the back seat of her dad's car."

"After they had been making out, Jill asked Taylor if she wanted to frisk her."
"My mom caught me frisking my girlfriend in my room."
by FriskyFank February 4, 2017
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