When you go into a store and you see the teacher that flunked you so you exclaim "forkfucker flonk dick" so your teacher gets mad and tells you that he will have to lower your grade even though you graduated 30 years ago and live in a dumpster outside of IHOP.
Student living in IHOP dumpster who just saw their teacher: FORKFUCKER FLONK DICK!
Teacher: please do not ever speak of me like that again,lt is very disrespectful and bad why would you say such a thing fuck you go to hell i hate you. Also i'm lowering your grade bc fuck u ahhahahah!!1
The afforementioned student: what the fuck
by the shitter but shittier April 16, 2023
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A word combining "Floof" and "Chonk".
"OMG, look at that flonk!" They said in awe of the flonky bear.
by NotAToaster July 12, 2021
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A funny “British” way of saying Thanks. Flonks is used commonly in gen Z and is pretty cool!
Can you spin my lazy Susan?”
by J rat the funny November 10, 2020
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To get rid of some shit unnecessarily and in an illegal way.
Mate, I just flonked that. I dunno what it is, but I did it!
by El_Doublay July 11, 2019
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When someone gets punked down to do something for somebody they are flonked out
Man he made that boy tie his shoes he flonked out
by Baton rouge slang mane July 28, 2019
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when she got a big booty on her, you refer to that as a killer 'flonk donk'
Boy: dayyummm Liz you've got a nice flonk donker. I'd flonk that donk in a second!!
by flonker420 March 8, 2016
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when an unlucky one has there rectum raped and there face soiled apon.
by lew May 3, 2004
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