a real lady who thinks like a man
Interesting personality. Wife material that can lookout for herself. Likeable which is why she an alpha female. That's what he sees in her.
by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021
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An Alpha Female is your typical Type A, loud-mouthed, confident, controlling, assertive, power-wielding Alpha Male, with a vagina instead of a dick. As with Alpha Males, it is often frightening if there's more than one of these in the same room.

Note: An Alpha Female is no more an "Alpha Bitch" than an Alpha Male is an "Alpha Cocksucker."
Me: "Sometimes I feel like I may be a bit emasculating, but my boyfriend doesn't seem to mind; he only likes Alpha Females. They hold their own."

My friend: "Yeah, that's true."
by AlphaLady September 24, 2005
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An alpha female is a female human who is well aware of the fact that she is sexy, desirable, and everyone wants to fuck her, and maximizes this knowledge to control/dominate anyone and everyone around her. She flaunts her superiority over beta females and males in general with no fear of retribution. An alpha female may feign interest in a male to further her own agenda, but in reality no male can ever satisfy an alpha female, not even the alpha-est of alphas. By the standard definition, all alpha females are bitches, but it doesn't matter because you'd do anything to fuck them anyway. They know this as well.
Guy 1: She's so hot, I'd hit that

Guy 2: Eh, I wouldn't, she's kind of a bitch, I'm not really into alpha females

Guy 1: Whatever, you just keep telling yourself that

Guy 2: Yeah you saw right through me
by yupp395178 June 14, 2010
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The smartest woman in a given group of women. Generally one of the more psychologically attractive ones because she's nice, but not afraid to put a stupid female (whore) in her place for being a bitch by kicking said bitch's ass. Alpha females sometimes have a naturally occurring (meaning no plastic surgery) bra cup size of DD and up in addition to being smart, kind, and a total badass.

Characteristics of an Alpha Female:

Smart (IQ of 90 or higher)
Naturally large breasts (sometimes)
Not afraid of men
Fun to be around
Gets along with others
Good manners
Isn't a sex worker
Is either single or is in a relationship with only 1 person
Isn't a feminazi/feminist
I'm an Alpha Female.
by Vampira Andres November 29, 2022
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A female who spends more time talking and bragging about being an alpha female than she does being an alpha female. Is overconfident at everything except what matters in life, like making people smile. Anything else from sports to intellect is something they love to brag about all the time, since bragging is a birthright of an alpha female, even if feeling or being anything besides a covert narsissisus is something they don't quite get.
Look, over here, I'm selling an oven that bakes 120 types of medication that I'm going to give somebody else even though I'm the one that needs it, I'm an alpha female.
by Solid Mantis October 31, 2016
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The Alpha Female is the head of the gyno-herd, guiding them for a evening out drinking and partying. Executive decisions such as where to go, what drinks to order, what guys to talk to, who to fuck, all fall under the jurisdiction of the Alpha Female.

Any forward attempts to woo a herd of women should always be focused on convincing the Alpha Female that it is a good idea.

If the Alpha Female goes, the rest of the skirts will go too.

*note* The Alpha Female is typically the angriest of the group. Often are result of poor treatment from past boyfriends. The Alpha Female's wrath is dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution.
Frank started in right away and approached the large, husky Alpha Female, inviting her and her friends to drink with us.
by deeznutz999 August 9, 2010
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This is from a real alpha female. Not You wanna- bes. Yes, we want passion, Look out girls. For you frequently get between me and your man out of fear. I am not a bitch and I follow the scent of the most deserving male regardless of his current relationship status. Neither, am I bossy or assertive, but subtly wait for the kill. Once, I hook a male, He's mine. I always stand my ground, never fight. You lesser girls back off. Alpha females can smell a beta from an alpha a mile away. Looks and stature don't make you an alpha, neither does being intelligent. You, like me need to exude sex or like its pheromones from your body in greater amount than a beta to be an Alpha. OR, don't waste your time trying to fool me. I won't be riding you. This is what an alpha female really is. I'm really not a bitch, bossy, cunt nor manipulative. I make as many conquests as I can, just like an Alpha Male.
As an Alpha Female, I have that nice booty, not to soft and not to hard, and long legs. Waist length natural blonde hair. I am not a male version without muscles, but I do like to wrestle in bed. What fun. I do dress sexy. I'm a little taller than the average female and make sure the other girls know it. I lick my lips, Seductively.
by The Original Hot Potato 1 March 24, 2011
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