Your profile page on facebook. Your facebook page.
She posted a link on my fage.
by Halvijesimon February 6, 2010
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All Irish physicists are fages.
by eggshellgbnpd October 15, 2009
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A word derived from Fage Greek Yogurt that describes an incredibly yogurt like person. Someone who doesn't dare to travel outside the pot but remain in a glutinous annoying state. They often study history because their bacteria live for generations in a sloppy half-hearted existence that culminates in complete pweenage (destruction) once their level of fagge-cyte has become unbearably high.

Warning- If someone encounters a Fage, it should be pweened upon discovery.
Look there is a little Fage in the corner. Lets pween him vehemently!
by Real Murcia May 29, 2013
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Tj is my Fage.
by tas7793 November 12, 2010
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1. A much less derogatory derivation of the word 'faggot'.

2. For the Amusement of Gavin and Euan.
"Alright, you fage?"

"Aye, fage."
by Gavin Anderson March 22, 2005
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"Fage" is a slang for "Facebook page". Fage is much easier and faster to say than Facebook page.
"Hey Bob! Have you checked your Fage recently? I posted something really cool on there!"
by cheerguru February 5, 2010
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A person of toolish character. Someone who is undesirable. A goofball or laughable fool.
Oh man, the new kid in school is such a Fage! he is always trying to impress people!

Mage knight? more like FAGE KNIGHT!
by Kassidari February 5, 2010
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