man: dude i found dumb shit online
man 2: what was it?
man: urban dictionairy
by DaRealRoan April 10, 2018
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Dumb shit is not necessarily an insult, it can also refer to illogical or irrational feats of greatness.
Announcer: "That homerun was hit over 500 ft!"

by mr dumb shit February 11, 2014
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n. An incredibly stupid idiot

refers to some dumb situation, person, or thing

moronic excrete
Frustrated Mario guy: "Why the fuck are you eating the ceiling, you dumb shit!" Dumb shit Dumb Shit
by The Stealth Brick February 8, 2010
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When another person purposely doesn’t know something (or pretends he/she can’t figure something out) in order to hassle you or make your life difficult.
I laid the whole job out a head of time and at the last minute Marty dumb-shitted me about the job location. He demanded directions and a map for a location I know he drives by everyday…so I had to scramble to get him the info that I know he already knows...and I got blamed for the job starting late.
by ~Foo Fighter~ April 26, 2007
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When someone post a dumb shit definition on

When u post a inside joke between you and your boss...
Or when you post a definition that is in the real dictionary...
Its dumb and not intresting to read..

And I will make fun of you and call you a dumb shit!!
Boss poop: my boss takes long in the bathroom so her nickname is poopie boss...

Gay dumb and stupid...
You can do better you dumb shit!!
by jaoni November 17, 2011
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Doing really idiotic stuff and calling yourself a scientist cos why the fuck not
Generally used in video games
Bob: hey bro les jump on Fortnite and do some dumb shit so we become dumb shit scientists
Jake: Ye man
by Dat boi’s dad October 16, 2018
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