An adult male with eyes that give you the creeps or are overly effeminate.
Tom: Something has always bugged me about Patrick Swayze.

Hank: It's because he has dick sucking eyes.
by Witworth March 4, 2010
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What it is called when you get smoke in your eye. It is rather irritating and causes your eye to tear up and impair your eyesight for a mere couple seconds.
Rich: Yeah, I rolled a joint about as thick as my finger and when I smoked it, I got dickeye like 10 times.
by Frows December 12, 2004
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A person which could in other more civilized times, be termed a "Goon"
"Hey Who is the dick-eyes?"

"Oh, he's Harmless. merely a hired Goon"
by Davies G March 25, 2008
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A condition that refers to the soulless appearance of eyes belonging to women who frequently, thoughtlessly suck dick. VDSE is rampant on college campuses internationally, and can also frequently be found in nightclubs amongst females hovering in close proximity to the bar. VDSE is not contagious.
"Dude, what's wrong with that chick?"
"Nothing man, she's totally hot"
"But dude, those eyes..."
"Fuck, she's totally got VDSE (Vapid Dick-Sucking Eyes)"
"What's VDSE?"
"Vapid Dick Sucking Eyes, ask your doctor about it."
by The Polemic June 13, 2013
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When you see a gal with a purdy mouth and she looks at you seductively.
John and I were leaving the pub and grub and Becky gave him the "suck my dick eye" and he went home with her.
by duckkiller February 29, 2012
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When your somewhere and there is only males.
Dude 1: Hey man whats up with that party? Is there any hot babes?

Dude 2: No man just dick as far as the eye can see.
by peteypablo204 January 6, 2010
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