The act of cupping a pungent fart in the palm of your hand. Then presenting it to the nearest persons face and opening your hand, so the fart is released directly under the targets nose.
Other variations include farting in a buscuit tin and quickly shutting the lid. Leaving a viscous mantrap for the next buscuit nibbler.
A fathers favourite for his own children's visiting school friends. (See my brother in law)
"Want a buscuit?...Aaargh!, you dirty *%!!!, you just cupcaked me.
A firm favouite for people who have just started seeing each other.
- see also: Dutch oven

by Ali Bongo. October 24, 2007
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Dude/Female that shows afiction in public and kiss and hug all the time.
by Jamel January 21, 2004
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A person you love or care for. Someone you can cuddle with.
BF: hey cupcake ;)
GF: hey babe
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someone who acts too sensitive and childish, mainly used on stan twitter
“did you see zoe’s layout? it makes her look like such a cupcake
by dwvibe April 1, 2020
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To pay more attention to your girlfriend, or any "non-slut," over your friends. Variation: crossing the principle of "bros before hoes"
by af08 October 27, 2006
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