A species of goblin that steals crotches from the male species. Said to be a mythical creature but sightings and instances have occured.
Get me to a hospital, a crotch goblin stole my crotch!
by pr0ph3t April 11, 2005
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One who feeds on the groin while growling and snoring.
I was attacked at a party by a crotch goblin.
by DeVirginator February 10, 2003
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Generic term of disrespect, most often used when someone has made a big mistake or been a total jerk.
Jesus, I can't believe Steve botched the Henderson account! What a total crotch goblin!
by J to the Action August 13, 2003
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One who is particularly fond of balls, dicks, and pussys.
Tony is a fucking crotch goblin, look at him perving around in the panites isle at walmart
by Döug March 30, 2006
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This is a common slong term for an STD
man i got a wicked crotch goblin from this nasty skank
by Jim Bob November 4, 2004
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(n) 1. A perverted or otherwise solely sex-driven partner
"That guy is only interested in sex."
"Ugh. What a crotch goblin."
by Mk. 42 December 21, 2013
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A less offensive term or curse word for somebody that is a cock sucker.
That knob has just cut me up, I bet he's a right crotch goblin!
by Cpiddy7 March 6, 2021
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