Typically a white girl who grew up in the city. She listened to Taylor Swift on the radio one day and she somehow turned into a country girl. Her favourite things to do is 'mudding' and 'four wheelin'. She is only attracted to white males.

She will do ANYTHING to cement her status as a country girl.

If her standing as a country girl is ever questioned, she will build a poo fort in the forest and eat insects while sleeping in the poo fort to prove her mettle as a country girl.

A 'country girl' also hasn't worked a day in their lives as they all grew up in the city.
City Girl: Yee haw! I'm a country girl lookin' for a country boy that can handle me!
Hick: This chick is so ratchet. I'll just screw her and move onto someone who is real wife material.
by Stock Loc November 25, 2014
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Imaginary expectation of what a girl from some shithole in the middle of nowhere is like. They are just average teenage girls that will never be anything more than a fat housewife in the future, which the "country boy" will settle for. They are exactly like the "basic" bitches found in the city only they claim to be tomboys and join in backwoods activities such as mudding, bonfiring and hunting and only actually go once or twice. These girls commonly boast about being country on social network sites and apps such as Facebook, instagram and Twitter. They also listen to shitty modern pop-country music and bring a radio everywhere they go because they absolutely HAVE to listen to it every day. Around the age of 25-26 the constant alcohol intake gets to them and they begin to gain weight, also around this time they dont mention being "country" anymore and begin to have children to complete the cycle.
Hick Hillbilly Hoe Country Slut White Trash Country Girl
by DouchebagOnInternet July 29, 2013
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A girl who fucks her Dad, Brother, Cousin, or any relative for that matter.
This is my uncledaddy Jimbob and my cousinsister Bobby ... We're country girl proud.
by Wharves March 6, 2016
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A Country Girl wannabe is a chick who lives in the city and usally comes to school dressed in plaid and with short shorts on with cow boy boots. The plaid shirt is usally tied up like a cut off and shows half there other shirt and ually has hoop earings in.
The defionion above doen't describe a really country girl it defines a country girl wannabe or a slut so dont think your country just because you wear those things. and you drive a chevy truck
by HickChick February 12, 2012
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A total kick ass girl. They are hot, and toned. The girls arent a skinny ass bitch and could kick u any day! They work harder than the glorified volleyball, fockey, and soccer players. You could see them running up hills, though trees and more.
Guy 1: She is hot

Guy 2: She is a cross country girl she could kick ur ass
by jior4f4o October 5, 2014
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The hottest girls ever. These girls can run 8 miles easier than you can bike 1. They're tough as hell and can kick any football player's ass mentally and physically. Also something about running 45 miles a week must change your DNA around because these girl are HOT. Their stamina is crazy, cross country girls = hot sex.
Guy 1: Man that girl has a great ass.
Guy 2: Yeah she must be a Cross Country Girl.
Guy 1: I bet she's awesome at sex.
by mynameismyown March 31, 2009
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The country girl effect states that when a hot girl from the country moves into the city, and is unaware of just how attractive she is, she may be prone to dating males of significantly less attractiveness.

Some studies (read: me guessing) suggest that after the move to the city, the hot country girl assumes that few people talk to her because of any reason but the actual one: shes really hot and thus intimidating.

Also, the effect consistently makes the country girl's values significantly different than her urban-dwelling counterparts; the country girl tends to care less about appearances and more about other things. What is found attractive may be different than what you may be accustomed to when dealing with urban girls.

Guys that bank on their personality: rejoice. The country girl effect is absolute law. Catch them before they find out they're hot!
Urban dwelling guy: Dude, see that chick in the cowboy hat? Country girl effect in full force, IIIIII got her number! ME!
by crispy4297 February 23, 2010
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