When you say, "It's not a drop, it's a floor catch!"
Girl 1: Hey, I think I wanna do color guard next year.
Girl 2: Fo shizzle mah nigga.
by soulfaithful January 10, 2009
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girls (or guys) who freeze their butts off on football fields during field shows but still have the hugest smiles on their faces(hey showmanship points r always the easiest!!!) who start to think band or drumline guys r hot because they have no life outside of band/colorguard prac. and are always in step with the person next to you even when youre not in competition or at practice! also people who have the time of their lives tossing flags and hating it when people mistaken them for CHEERLEADERS.
omg my fingers match the purple sequins on my costume!!

(at the mall with a friend whos not in cg)F: y do u keep doing that funny leap skip thing? You: o so im in step!

omg look its a drumline!! r they hot?
by christine December 7, 2003
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1. A group of people who are talented enough to not only march but also twirl flags rifles and sabers and sometimes dancing while doing so. And performing in field shows and pardes.
2. Somthing that takes your entire life.
3. an extra curricular activity which is much harder than cheer.
4. A group which makes the marching band look good.
1. WHere were you friday night?
at the game performing field show.
On Saturday?
o competition
all week after school?
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Color guard is the definition of passion. It is being able to stand at attention for what feels like forever, hold a pose because one girl dropped her's, pushing through to the end, dropping your toss and getting right back in and smiling like nothing ever happened, and most of all color guard is going onto the field and performing your heart out for the judges. Yeah, it's hard, thats why it's only for the tough ones.
by ....:D...... October 3, 2010
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People who are too talented for the dance team and way too smart for cheerleading. If you can toss it or spin it, it's most likely going to be in the show.
Andrew: I hate the color guard. Jenny if you were on the dance team....
Jenny: *Beats the living crap out of Andrew.* Color guard beats the living crap out of dance team!!
by Darth_`Eowyn November 10, 2006
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A group of girls (or guys) who are very talented! They spin, toss, and dance alongside of the marching band. They have to remember several tough routines, know the exact counts, and march to their exact spots on the field. People may not realize it, but a there are a lot of hot guard girls. Most people just stare at them. Oh and by the way, it is actually a sport unlike cheerleading.
Bob---"woah man did you see the color guard and that toss they just did?"

Greg---"yea and did you see that girl's ass in her unitard?"
by goob123 November 17, 2005
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A group of girls or guys who march with the band and provide the band's "visual" aspect. They are way more talented than cheerleaders, even though the cheerleaders get all the credit. Sometimes WRONGLY referred to as "wannabe cheerleaders" even though people on color guard look down on cheerleaders for having NO talent and for being so stupid. Color guard people toss and twirl flags, rifles, and sabres, and continually defy the laws of gravity by tossing like 10 pound rifles and 6 foot flags over their heads. It is a SPORT which requires a lot of physical endurance and it is way more artistic than cheerleading. It is also WAY harder!
The color guard was so beautiful and the cheerleaders were so ugly!
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