16 definitions by Darth_`Eowyn

A person who is extremely smart. Most have an obession with some sort of sci-fi saga but some don't. Often rediculed for being to dad gom smart. NOT obessed with computers (those are geeks). That one kid who's in your innercircle that all ways makes the best grades and feels out of wack if they miss an airing of Firefly.
I, Darth_`Eowyn am one of the cutest, free thinkerest, most uncool, most proud nerd you'll ever meet.
by Darth_`Eowyn September 10, 2006
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Simply the greatest man to ever play at the 6 strings. A hero and an icon. Sadly he died of an OD and he is the reason why I will stay drug free so I won't die like him.
Andrew:What ya listening to Jenny?
Jenny:Jimi Hendrix, the greatest guitarist EVER!!!
Andrew:He's OK.
Jenny:*Punches Andrew*No he's not he's the greatest!
by Darth_`Eowyn October 18, 2006
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A town in centeral Texas were the Branch Dividian thing did not happen!! It was 24 miles out of town in Falls County.
It is also the home of Doctor Pepper, the greatest college ever Baylor University and a city filled with history that nobody outside of the state of Texas cares about (idiots).
Jesse: Yeah, that Branch Dividian thing in Waco was pretty scary.
Andrew: It wasn't in Waco, crack head!
Jenny: Yeah, it was in Falls. Even I know that.
by Darth_`Eowyn November 1, 2006
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A town in centeral Texas were the Branch Dividian thing did not happen!! It was 24 miles out of town in Falls County.
It is also the home of Doctor Pepper, the greatest college ever Baylor University and a city filled with history that nobody outside of the state of Texas cares about (idiots).
Jesse: Yeah, that Branch Dividian thing in Waco was pretty scary.
Andrew: It wasn't in Waco, crack head!
Jenny: Yeah, it was in Falls. Even I know that.
by Darth_`Eowyn November 1, 2006
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People who are too talented for the dance team and way too smart for cheerleading. If you can toss it or spin it, it's most likely going to be in the show.
Andrew: I hate the color guard. Jenny if you were on the dance team....
Jenny: *Beats the living crap out of Andrew.* Color guard beats the living crap out of dance team!!
by Darth_`Eowyn November 10, 2006
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Born in Port Authur Texas, Janis was somewhat of a reject in her home town. She was however, the greatest female rocker to walk the face of the Earth. She had her own sound, look and personality. No one could ever touch her. Janis, you are the reason I surrvived the 8th grade.
Jesse: Andrew, have you seen Jenny?
Andrew: Yeah, she's listening to Janis Joplin.
Jesse: Joplin sux.
Jenny: *Beats the living crap out of Jesse* She's the greatest you ninny!!!
by Darth_`Eowyn November 1, 2006
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Lord of the Rings fans. Ringers are obbsessed with the movies, books and any/everything that could possibley have to do with Lord of the Rings.
If you ever get in an argument with some Ringers, you'll never win.
by Darth_`Eowyn September 10, 2006
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