Verb// When it's that time to give your ol lady that good good sex.

Or a woman ready to go out a find a lil some some
Her-Honey, what time is it? Him-It's Cock-O-Clock baby!!!

2 women in talking- Girl friend it's about Cock-O-Clock up in here, i been havin a dry spell lets go find a man!
by McKhaos! December 10, 2022
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When your girlfriend is a late sleeper so you have sex with her whenever you wake up so she is up for the rest of the day. the sex alarm clock
Shawn's girlfriend is a late sleeper so when he woke up at ten and used his cock alarm clock on his girlfriend to wake her up for the day.
by sexyclock May 31, 2011
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When an alarm clock goes off during a highly erotic dream.
Dude, I was about to touch her boobs when my Cock-Block Alarm Clock went off. FUCK.
by T-Bag 69 October 24, 2011
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Morning wood or a penis that is 9 inches when erect.
However, if you give someone the 9' o clock cock, you have sex with them in the morning
Roomate 1: "Hey there, you don't seem yourself, what's up?"
Roomate 2: "My dick.I have the 9' O clock cock."
by Sweptimus March 15, 2015
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How much time passes between the beginning of intercourse and orgasm for a man.
My cock clock is usually about five minutes.
by Ereck Flowers November 21, 2018
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When a man lays under the sun using his erection as a sun dial to cast a shadow and determine what time of day it is.
Hey Bob, What time is it? Im hungry. I dont know Jenny let me check my cock clock.
by DOfficial May 30, 2019
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