The female boner when someone or something sexually excites a female
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Honey, don't stop eating me, you are the best clitorator in the world.
by Mr. Erotic January 15, 2010
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A combination of clearly, literally, really, and clitorus. Used to add emphasis to a statement and grab people's attention to what you're saying.
Boy: No like clitorally shit was insane!

Girl: Clitorally!!! Oh shit man sorry you had to go through that.
by Hella_non_conformist_bitch October 2, 2015
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person 1:he clitorally is so hot
person 2:yeah he kinda is
by fuwa fuwa ^w^ July 20, 2023
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Being over sensitive, too easily offended or hurt, similar to a clitoris.
He can dish it out, but he sure can't take it, he's so clitoral.
by itsnotup2u May 21, 2007
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(adj) Describing a question the has an obvious answer, one that normally relates to sex.
Girl - Do you want me to set up a camera while I'm taking my bath?

Guy - Is that a clitorical question?
by Character Choice November 12, 2009
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to defeat someone in any form possible, such as beating them up or getting a better score in a video game
John and Dan were playing basketball. Dan beat him by 14 points. John got clitorized.
by Nukka Rob May 3, 2005
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