Short hand for muppet, an ignorant person who generally has no idea about anything.
(Normally used in a joking manner)
Matt do you really think your computer isn't loud as sh*t? Dam mup..
by TyroneBigsBe March 11, 2014
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To be acting in a way which is irregular or abnormal.
"My computer is mupped."
"I mupped up on my exam."
"Yo B, thats some mupped up shizzle."
by SB and AV October 26, 2004
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Mup is an Irish term, that means “go!” and “fun!” and “yay!” It is often used when something good happens
yeah you were amazing in that match!” “Mup!!”
by ebj January 4, 2022
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Noun meaning fat. Not to be confused with phat. Popular in the late 90s and early 2000.
Man, Ryan is so mup. He's going to have to run a mile every hour and not eat dinner for a week to get rid of that.
by Mefficel August 19, 2007
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mup: muhp adj. slang in or causing a state of disorder, disbelief, or disrepair; blundered.

(messed up)
That game was pretty mup; I can't believe that they lost so badly.
by Topher F. February 16, 2007
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"Multi Use Pathway"
I ride on a MUP into work.

There are no bike-lanes or MUPs in my city.
I was doing about 15 (mph) on a MUP when a roadie overtook me.
by timtak March 24, 2015
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A word which is a synonym for fat.
1. Damn man after 2 weeks away from the gym im beginning to get a little mup

"Dude did u see that girl over there? Imma go get her number."
"Shes like the size of Shamu man, but you always did like those mup girls."

"You wanna come shoot some hoops with us man?"
"Nah im a little too mup right now I wouldnt make it halfway down the court.

by RyanRodriguez August 19, 2007
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