The best girl you can ever meet. If u meet a girl named Bola just know God has placed the best gift ever into your life and you're a very very lucky man. If you're lucky enough to be with one never let her go because if you do you just let the most special person that has come into your life leave. Just remember to love her with all your heart.
by Anonymous777jk May 5, 2020
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A weapon consisting of a long leather cord with a round lead weight at each end. When swung through the air and thrown, can entangle (or concuss) a target. Once used in Argentina to hunt rheas.
The bolas was a standard piece of equipment for the gauchos of Argentina.
by Anon November 13, 2004
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Bola's are tall, kind creatures. They also tend to be Tombos and are closely linked to Chophies. I reccomend befriending one.
Person: Wow, you're tall and king
Bola: Well, I am a Bola
by Tom Windsor August 20, 2006
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A form of rare Australian soup.
"I just went down to the kitchens and sucked some Bola."
by Bronzie April 18, 2003
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1. a greeting similar to hello, or hola. The word is a variation of "hola."
2. A marijuana pipe.
Damian: Bola!
Matt: Oh, whats up little Damian?

Tybang: Lets go roast some bola's in my jeep.
Sampson: You got five's on it?
by A Slippin Sandwich May 9, 2007
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