Something unpleasant.

(Der. "bleer", "bleerer" - the stuff in your eyes which makes one bleery eyed in the morning; Scots Eng.)
Mack hasn't washed for a week - he's so blee.
by Dave April 7, 2004
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To tweak someone out while offering the allure of sexual gratification
"man, that girl was really bleeing out, but I wanted to bust one, so I threw it in her douce coup."
by jake the snake December 15, 2003
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happy,unbelievably wonderful,luccism
Lucci is blee
by sir_n_lady August 17, 2003
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Likeness, sameness.
Complexioned, colored.
Yo, he's straight, he's blee.
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The sound a motor cycle makes.

Something to say to get them going... To start someone up and energize.
As the motor cycle rumbled by, it sounded like BLEE BLEE BLEE.

Tyler, get up! BLEE BLEE BLEE! Let's go!
by bleechamp January 1, 2011
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A blunt. Bleezy, unrolled cigar refilled and rerolled with marijuana
took a blee to the face n its overrr kidd K/O
by KidAbw August 14, 2008
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