An extremely shitty car.Also known as a shitter or junker
Yo your whip is a beater.
Fuck you bitch
by Big Smoke Dogg November 18, 2003
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A term used at Utah ski areas (Alta, Snowbird) to describe a tourist of inferior skiing ability. This noun was coined due to the distinctive sound made by a skier, tangled in their own equipment, tumbling down a steep ski slope.
Look at that Beater on the expert terrain; he is going to die.

One Skier to another: "Nice face plant, you're such a Beater!"

Go ski Nebraska you frickin Beater!
by Kurty December 6, 2006
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1. An old cheap car.

2. A tank-top like undershirt that has vertical stripes.

3. Short for "beat her".
1. I drive an old beater.

2. My beater is so comfortable, I could wear it all the time.

3. I'm so mad I think I'm going to take off my shirt and beater. (this is a double pun because if the guy is wearing a beater under his shirt then he is in the act of beatingwearing a wife beater and he is also going to "beat her".)
by Klosterman6969 July 31, 2004
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A sleeveless undershirt usually worn by, non other than wife beaters. (Usually worn by itself with no top shirt a popular piece of clothing for your assorted hicks, rednecks, and trailer trash type persons)
Yo that kids wereing a beater.

Hey Billy Joe, hasnt Jim Bob been werein that same beater for two weeks.
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A fat-assed white chick who dates only black guys.

Black guys have 2 sets of girlfriends. 1. Thier baby mommas, who are usually black and dont take shit from his lazy ass. 2. A usually plump blonde who submits to his every whim, usually paying for his cell-phone bills and driving him around in her red ford tempo while he smokes menthol cigarettes. He is also usually shorter than her, and a real gangsta wannabe. She gets beat around by him on occasion, hence BEATER. EG"Hey, check out that little skinny black dude with that fat-assed white blonde! SHES A BEATER!"
by Jason Hump January 15, 2008
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An object/item you use freely, recklessly, and commonly, to avoid damage to an identical/similar version of that item that is newer or superior to the "beater" item.
Dude 1: "hey bro, lets go out to some trails on our bikes, its gonna be very messy cause it just rained out, so it'll be all muddy"

Dude 2: "yeah sure! let me just put on my beater shoes, along with my beater bike, to make sure my new jordans and my schwinn bike don't get fucked up."
by thatsanthony August 12, 2023
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this is a term that started in the late 80's in Toronto refering to white girls who would dress up like roots girls talk with west indian accents chase black men and show up at any event that has black people reggea, hip hop, and they would get beat the hell up for it. Hence the name beaters...
Yo you see that beater walking down the street you know she will let us run a train on her...just cause we are black LOL
by Romeo b Montague September 24, 2010
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