1. An example of a funny catch phrase that great leaders need to have.
2. Something that even a poor leader cannot lead monkeys to.

This phrase was popularized by the Adult Swim Cartoon, Sealab 2021 (Episode 47 - "Monkey Banana Raffle")
"You couldn't lead a monkey to a banana raffle. A leader needs funny catch phrases like: 'Take it to The Maxx!' and 'Monkey Banana Raffle!' "
-Maxx Stone Extreme Rebel Trillionaire.
by L. Griffith May 7, 2007
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To take something of great importance from someone, purely for the purpose of laughing at them.
i.e taking a monkey's banana from it.
David: "I think I'll go steal that deaf kid's hearing aid. Just for shits and giggles."

Marcie: "You can't just go stealing the monkey's banana like that!"
by Alex Conway October 9, 2008
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A saying when you're acting pissy but you aren't mad ^^

2. Taylor is such a raging banana monkey
by The.Person.In.Your.Closet December 4, 2010
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