Ayush means (brother). He is very silent but friendly environment.He is eligible bachelor and handsome. He is always

stand for friends and family. He is always respect and help everybody.
A- Amazing
Y- Young
U- Unbelievable
S- Silent and Smart
H- Honest
Ayush is amazing,young,unbelievable,smart,honest
by Robert Hyde November 27, 2021
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Ayush is the honestly the best person, you have ever meet. They are soft hearted. They are friendly in nature.They truth people easily, this is the biggest mistake they made.They didn't show off ,they exectly show how they are in real life. If you have a Ayush in your life then you're lucky asf because he's just too kind, loyal and takes care of you like you're a diamond. He literally consoles you, His shoulder is always there for you when you need it. If you hate him, you're literally like DUMB.
He can't make decisions fast.He is ayush
by Khushi Sharma November 24, 2021
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There are two type of people in college :-
One who take classes and struggle to do work
and the other one is Ayush
*In a random group chat*
F1: Sup?
F2: Just got off classes
Ayush: Just woke up, missed all the classes
by Laven25 January 3, 2022
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one who often sleeps in class, is yelled out, but still has the amazing ability to pass every class without opening a book. but he still cant get a date.
name derived from the springs of India. Anyone who drinks form the springs of India will become obnoxious like "the great Ayush."
by ihs bored kids May 4, 2007
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Ayush is like the man who cares, and love a girl like a queen. He never cheat someone, very romantic, courageous, pleased, cool, dude. He is the person you can trust. But, wait he has another side he can make your life like hell until someone break his heart. He never give you a fuck about him, don't betray to him. What you like is not important the important thing is how you treat him. He is very sexual fascinating. He is like the person with skills of a leader he doesn't want to be king but destiny always make him king. Their wife's are always happy. He is not a chick but act like a chick until isn't it right time to turn on the devil.
Ayush is very soft hearted.
by 143! &¶^ November 24, 2021
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Ayush, a guy that everyone stops and stares when he enters a room. He loves to be around friends and family. Ayush is multi talented. He’s a amazing dancer. He views the world in the most beautiful way. He’s very Generous. Ayush be there for you no matter. Ayush can make you smile like no one else. Ayush loves video games. If you meet a Ayush never let him go.
That guy's got great style”
“Ayush is always there when you need him”
“Damn he’s so talented

“ who’s that sexy guy
by Srr7572883 November 23, 2021
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A guy who lives for emotions. Soft hearted with excellent empathy. He has a knack for poetry. A die hard fan of old songs. Obsessed with piercings and tattoos. Eats only potatoes. Loves to gather knowledge about different topics. A great person to debate with. An introvert. Prefers quality over quantity. Has a small circle of friends. He is a pretty good cook. Loves F.R.I.E.N.D.S. An amazing human being, in general. Potterhead.
Whenever you feel an urge to rant, Ayush is there.
by Sneha899 February 12, 2023
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