a dum, stupid, not smart person
girl: hey
boy: hey whats 1 times 1
boy: why are you such an Assa
girl: ( smacking teeth) shutup
by ms livvy May 28, 2014
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A boy who has brown hair, is typically short, and his voice is so high pitched it sounds like a dolphin. He tells everyone that he’s straight but is secretly gay.
“Is that guys name asa Odom?”
“No it’s assa scrotum!”
by Im.Thiccc October 26, 2017
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Guido: ``Hey, looka that assa-hole!
by tirtle November 24, 2017
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A social disease, can be terminal, chronic, or acute. Tends to get worse with time. Chronic assaholism usually becomes fatal or long term and debilitating when mixed with drugs or alcohol, though not all assaholics are substance abusers.

Assaholics tend to congregate on websites pertaining to guns, race, or the poaching of large wildlife, dating sites (the married ones) and political rants.

Christian assaholism is a type of strain of assaholism that can be more prevalent in the bible belt.

Assaholism epidemics have been known to spread quickly, especially in large groups, hipster bars, frat houses, strip clubs, bad traffic and crowded department stores.
Assaholism ASSA-Hawl-ism, ASSA-haw-lick

"I see you've done nothing to cure your assaholism. Next time try hitting on my mom instead of my best friend. That might work better. Not."

"who's texting you at 2:20am?!"
"oh it's that assaholic I told you about. He thinks I'm going to be his bootycall. Not."
by Sadiesays December 10, 2013
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The type of kid to ask where the bitches at at a party then stand alone in the corner when they get there
Don’t be a Ben Assa, that kid is a fag
by Ben Assa May 26, 2021
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