A kind hearted girl, that sees the best in everyone, but is sometimes only shown the worst. she holds her friends up high above harms way. She's simply the best person to be around!
Hey Ange, The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground!
by splattttt February 3, 2010
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An Ang is strong, sexy, and unbelievably charming. Someone that every girl/boy wants to have. Popular and very social. Also a great kisser, and fucker. Angs are loved by all their guy friends and his girl friends. Also very athletic and humble. Often tend to care too much.
"Ang is so hot. What an Ang."
by nobodysromeo July 21, 2015
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Angeli is a beautiful being, athletic, smart & kind.
I said hi to Angeli on Zoom today.
by aarongmb April 5, 2020
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A girl who is cute and awkward. She's very creative and full of crazy ideas. Shy at times. Loves drinking tea and planning tea parties.
Why can't you pull an Angely?

Why can't you be creative like Angely?
by xoxoalng December 31, 2011
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an angel fallen straight from heaven; the best person you will ever meet in your life; if you become friends with angelys, you are sure enough to have a lot of fun. she is a cool person to hangout with and very attractive and a major tease.
that girl is so sexy, her name is probably angelys.
by laMaravillA August 5, 2008
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(pronounced Anj or Ange)
Short for Angela but cooler! An Ang is very caring and generally a happy person. She likes to laugh and have friends around. She is quick-witted and often popular but doesn't take any shit from people, although tends to disguise this as sarcasm or 'joking'. Ang's are talented and expressive. They make good mediators, teachers, counselors and nurses.
That girl is sooo funny! what an Ang!!
by softy74 February 6, 2010
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Angely means that your a bad bleep
that girl is an angely/ that girl is a bad bleep
by adisson rea September 8, 2020
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