1. A sexually act in which a man stands slightly bent over with a woman kneeling behind him. She will purse her lips tightly around his anus. She then tugs on his flaccid member from between his legs as he releases a preferably hot fart in her mouth, thus expanding her cheeks much like that of a hot air balloon. Aviator goggles and scarf are optional.
Friend #1: I was able to talk Nichole into letting me give her a hot air balloon last night.

Friend #2: I don't know what that is, but it sounds fucking sick.
by The Taste of Lemonade November 8, 2009
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A Hot Air Balloon is a sexual act involving two partners. One partner, the "balloon", prepares for the act a day before by eating foods that contain high concentrations of fiber and dairy. For best results, the balloon should avoid defecation until the next day when the Hot Air Balloon is to be performed. When both partners are ready for the Hot Air Balloon, the balloon positions his/her anus directly above the other partner, or the "ballooner". The ballooner opens his/her mouth to take a full load of feces from the balloon. Without swallowing or spilling any of the (most likely very liquid) feces, the ballooner must then blow up the balloon. That is to say, he/she must blow the hot liquidy feces back into the balloon's ass.
1: "Taco Bell tonight?"
2: "Sure, just hold it in so we can Hot Air Balloon, tomorrow!"
by bootthescoot November 11, 2020
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When a woman or man places her or his rectum against a woman’s vsgina and passes gas into the vagina.
I hear Angelina Jolie is in the hospital with a horrible infection after she and Jennifer Anniston had an accident while “hot air ballooning” last weekend.
by "Don't Poke the Bear" Bear December 10, 2018
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The odor of a fart, released at a lower elevation, is breathed in by another person at a higher elevation. The warm methane emitted from your anus rises, thus creating a similar effect as a hot air balloon.
"Derek was dry heaving on the deck, because Cory hot air ballooned him"
by Dub75 July 12, 2012
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To fart in one's mouth while that person is licking your asshole.
When your licking your girlfriend's asshole and she farts in your mouth.
by tr February 24, 2005
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When a girl eats a guys bootyhole while giving him a reach around, he farts in her mouth.
I hot air balloned the shit out of that bitch last night.
by jesus July 22, 2003
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Brian's fourskin inflated as bob passed wind down his limp shaft. Hot air ballooning
by Sheppytrain June 16, 2013
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