The most incredible guy in the whole universe, end of the story.he is very sweet, handsome and truly amazing. He always know the perfect thing and right time to say right words. He make his impressive impression in just 1 sec. He can also make your head spin, skip a heart beat. He can make your heart melt like no one can ever do . And he gave respect to opposite sex. And Aditya is also known for his world famous friendly heart he loves his friend and love mate so much
Man=what name is better for my kids that is all in one in all feild

Women=Are you mad you never heard the the name of Aditya

Girl 1= I wish my partner is MR. PERFECT

by INSANE FREE FIRE November 26, 2021
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An adjective that describes somebody or something as very intelligent or witty
Person 1: That's a nice car you got there.
Person 2: Your mom's a nice car!
Person 1: Next time come up with something more aditya.
by A Chandra December 28, 2007
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The greatest alpha male in all of history, throughout the entirety of the universe. Has a MASSIVE body count up to the millions. Is a self-claimed member of the big dick society. All women that encounter this man have immediately gone through sexual fantasies. He is a grandad and a top shagger at the same time. He provides hope and happiness to all the ladies.
girl 1: dayuuuumm gurl who dat?
girl 2: a hottie, top shagger aditya ooff.
girl1: sex me boi

girl 2: *pulls out knife* no, me!
adi: i only have eyes for Mr.Fallon
by bobbythesnowman April 21, 2019
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A Loving and caring person, who is tall, and has a deep voice. Hes handsome, His eyes are brown and deepset and he has the most alluring expressions. Hes a badass and makes friends easily. He loves so many girls that hes confused about who to chase. He likes animals and loves dogs so much. Hes active on Social Media but enjoys in his real life too. He has many friends and is ready to even die for them. If you hurt him, he will never forgive you and always remember it. Although he would like to have a girlfriend but in real life hes scared to even talk to girls and you should probably approach him about your feelings. He likes to workout and is a Gym Rat. He loves to listen to music and has a great taste in music. Hes intelligent and really good in studies. Hes a bit traditional and is proud of his ancestors and culture.
Girl 1: Hey that boy is so tall and handsome but really shy.
Girl 2: Well hes Aditya!! Its typical of him.
by Adityx720 November 23, 2021
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Aditya is the kind of guy that many girls develop a crush on. He is handsome, charming, and confident, with a warm and friendly personality that draws people in. His intelligence and ambition only add to his appeal, making him someone that many girls admire and look up to. He's always trying new things and expanding his horizons, and he has a ton of fascinating stories to share. He is confident in his abilities and always looks for ways to improve and challenge himself. But Aditya is more than just a pretty face - he's intelligent, ambitious, and always striving for excellence.
Girl 1: "OMG, I have such a crush on Aditya. He's so hot and charming."

Girl 2: "Girl, you need to make a move. Aditya is too good to pass up."

Girl 1: "You're right. I'm going to go talk to him and see if I can't spark some chemistry."
by pu94x December 25, 2022
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