The final boss of Super Mario RPG. Has two forms:

1. A machine-like pile of white facial hair with eyes.

2. Same body, only his head is a metal skull that can transform into either a tank, an iron chest, a question block, or some weird meatal magic head with hands coming out of it.
"Come on you puny ants! I'll crush you all!"-Smithy
by SmashBrother January 21, 2005
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being overly giggly like a young school girl and acting suspicious towards the same sex
that guy was overly smithy with that gay guy in the bar
by el guapo1 October 25, 2007
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A girl who goes to Smith College in Northampton, MA. A Smith college Lesbian Until Graduation. Intelligent and often connected. Usually can't drive well but can party. Not just LUGS but SLUGS.
That smithy was cute! Do you think the slug likes guys, or even ice cream a little?
by niteshade8p August 1, 2008
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a bloke who only dresses in black and is scared to wear shorts in the summer because he has freaky kneecaps.He is often seen hanging around antique shops with a yucky green plymouth top on.he also has the skill of nusing a pint for three hours till it goes brown+crusty like his nob.often seen chasing push-bike robbers!
"wheres smithy"
"he's doing judo"
"oh fuck off he wouldn't wear anything in white"
by Phil Fee September 20, 2003
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An Irish fellow with the last name Smith. Smithys, generally speaking, have no game and a smallish nob which sometimes has the illusion of disappearing while retracting back up into the Smithy's body. Despite this bizarre phenomenon, Smithys can also be very likable characters. Smithys are often times sited as being "gay" though please note while appearing so, they are most definitely not.
"Smithy!! How ye keepin? Ye get laid yet?"
"Ah nah. I got no game."
"And your nob?"
"Still missing."
by plincodestroy February 5, 2007
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a bearded legend. this bamf trolls the halls of school like a boss. no child can stand in his way. one glance from him and you've got yourself an A+ in being a total loser because this man's aura will pulsate you into oblivion. Not only is he the most badass history teacher on the planet and knows his shit, but he's also the most badass human being who ever chilled. some compare him to Chuck Norris - I would say that's an understatement
Dude, you know that bamf teacher Smithies? I got him for history this year! FTW

Woah, Im totes jelly. That guy's like Chuck Norris!

LIKE Chuck Norris? Bro, that boss IS Chuck Norris!
by min-minn April 3, 2011
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Genital abrasion caused by masturbation, resulting in a red, raw appearance, peeling skin and possibly bruising.

Specifically, a ‘Smithy’ injury is caused by the frequency, duration and pace of masturbation only, and not the result of the deployment of foreign objects.
I’ve jerked off so much I’ve given myself a Smithy
by Iyman R Sole February 22, 2022
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