Used like the word "spunk" or "moxy", the noun zaid is used to describe an ingenius person
by Malti Jones August 23, 2005
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A sexy guy who goes to CCA with a HUGE dick. He will break your shit.
Hot chick: Whos that hawt guy?

Other hot chick: THATS ZAID I WANT HIS COCK oh my jesus.
by CockMuncher155 December 7, 2010
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A dude who is fine but cant show love to the correct people or doesn’t know when the right person is right is right in front of them. And has a big dick.
Girl 1: aye who’s thats dude with ole girl, I heard he cheated on her and she actually love him!?
Girl 2: oh thats Zaid he did and that was her first kiss.
by Lady of words February 6, 2019
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A term used to describe when a person, entity or event turns something very-well detailed into a chaotic yet intriguing enigma.
It's amazing how whenever you look at a SpongeBob popsicle, they always look Zaided. Maybe it's on purpose.
by ShrkKng55 May 12, 2022
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Adj: The act of talking your way into and then out of virtually any situation.
I don't know how, but we totally just zaided our way into that room party.
by Nimhaji September 27, 2014
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constantly look down at your phone for the whole duration of the lecture talking to someone with no interest in you the whole time only looking up when someone walks into the lecture hall or when the lecturer asks you a question
John: hey man what's up with josh
Charles: oh man don't worry he's zaiding
by A.bma February 8, 2022
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