1. n- A small anarchist food cart in Portland Oregon located on 12th and Hawthorne.
2. n- A loud yell by fans of the food cart as they get closer to the food cart.
3. n- Dank food.
4. v- The process by which Yarp?! entangles its customers into returning and eating more.
1. "Went by Yarp?! tonight."
2. "YARP?!"
3. "Wow, that's some killer Yarp?!"
4. "Have you been Yarped today?"
by Space Captain Yarp?! May 28, 2009
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The infinitive form of "yerp", used to express an emotion not definable within the english language, a cross between an affirmative "yes" and a confident flex of "yaaaaaaaa". The only acceptable response to someone saying yarp is a confident response of "yarp."
Guy 1: "Bro we boutta flex on this midterm rn"
Guy 2: "yaaaaarp"
Guy 1: "yarp."
by sliced__bread February 8, 2019
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The opposite of pray - to get off ones knees and take affirmative action to attain whatever it was you were praying for.
verb. Sally was flat broke and having spent weeks praying for money to no avail she decided to yarp for money. So she found a job ad in the paper, applied for it and a week later took home a pay check.
by Moschops July 1, 2013
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When you find something quite humorous or are feeling quite excited.
bob: Hey dude why did the chicken cross the road?
billy: Why!?
bob: To get to the other side!!
by goopygoogoo May 28, 2023
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“Damn dude, what’s that smell?”

“I just released a yarp.”
Oh ok.”
by Gilmore Manfred April 27, 2019
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When you yawn and burp at the same time.

A yarp comes in 3 stages, usually the yawn comes first, then you burp 3/4 ways in, you then finish the yawn.
Person 1: (Makes a Yawing/burping sound or a yarp)
Person 2: Dude did you just yarp?
Person 1: Did I? I hardly heard it....
by FireDart July 14, 2010
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A term used frequently as a lazy response to a conversation, making the speaker sound like an embarrassing caricature of a redneck hillbilly. Used most often by smelly single mothers who think that uttering the word will make the listener believe she is listening, when in fact she is obsessing over how to successfully kidnap her next victim (for her sadistic rituals and to begin building a shrine around him).
"Yarp, I remember when me and my Daddy-Brother first caught our first gator, boy did we celebrate in style that night, yarp!"
by Baldilocks November 5, 2012
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