1. An elegant way of saying you farted
2. A disgusting thing that happens
Guy 1 - “Dude did you just wob the wob?”
Guy 2 - “Ya I just wobed pretty bad back there”
Guy 1 - “Ya I thought so it smelled pretty bad back there”
by Jetterson March 17, 2019
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A wob is usually defined as an excessive and large double chin. The wob is highly likely to wobble around whilst the person is talking.
Grandma's Wob is getting bigger by the day!
by Reeta Morris October 9, 2018
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What dubstep basses sound like.
Not techno or Homer Simpson as some guys said on here.

Can sometimes be the answer to questions related to going out - or your relatives.
- How was last nite??
- wob wob wob!

- Shall we have a night out?
- wob wob wob!

- Your mum's filthy.
- wob wob wob.
by B.P.O. November 8, 2010
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The most stupid synonym for dubstep that people who just got introduced by the music use.

It originates from the sounds that are contained by the known 'wobble' that mostly starts after a 'drop' of a dubstep song
Me: Hey man, do you like hip-hop?
Other: No I like dubstep!
Me: Why do you like it?
Me: You know any good dubstep?
Other: Oh not really, I just like the WOB WOB!!!
by Mrheadphoneguy February 21, 2011
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When you spend all your money on strippers then make out to your friends like the strippers stole it from your pocket.
"awwww did you get wobbed yeah"
by James56333 June 13, 2017
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When you're feeling pretty trippy and knackered.
'it was that busy at work it wobbed me out'
by WobbedLAD May 20, 2013
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