When excitement takes your words from you
Ughhh, I'm so excited!!
by Syddy October 18, 2016
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a word used when you are really mad and have no way to explain the way you feel.
Mad said:

normal said:
what's wrong?

Mad said:
im so mad cuz i dunno just UGHH i dunno
by Julianamb February 27, 2007
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We bumpin that song all night baby 24/7
Tankman: Ee ee oo u eiaieieeiea eo ui ouooo euo o ugh
by skskskskin March 22, 2021
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The word you say when that one kid reminds the teacher about the homework assignment tonight.
That one kid: “Hey! Teacher weren’t we supposed to get homework today?
The whole entire class: UGHHHHH ARE YOU KIDDING?!
by Jikookpunchmeplz August 25, 2019
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To fell like death. How you feel when your just not having a great day or when SOMEONE pummels you with a fucking rock.n
"Ugh I had a really fucking bad day"
by Cresttoothpaste February 23, 2018
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a expression of being disgusted or irritated with someone.
by Jouels January 12, 2010
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