When someone bends over - arches their butt - and wiggles it - usually done to trap, techno, or rap music. This dance has exploded in popularity partially because of celebrities, it is now a global phenomenon.
John: "Dude do you like watch twerking videos on youtube and stuff?"
Keith: No John, I act like a civil human being and use newtwerk.net instead!"
by generalweed420 June 29, 2016
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What Miley Cyrus cant do.
Damn look at Miley Cyrus ass its flatter then my sidewalk! Smh she cant twerk where my black girls at!
by Jeice123 October 2, 2013
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Once a hoodrat reaches sexual maturity she will begin a mating dance called "twerking" to find a mate to supply her with food and shelter.
by elomars September 21, 2013
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The rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshy extremities in a lascivious manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in ones intended audience
by The Prince of Diamonds November 30, 2012
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The act of moving your ass up and down rapidly like you are having a seizure.
1) Dad why is that retarded giraffe with its tongue hanging out rubbing its ass on Robin Thicke? Actually son that is Miley Cyrus, it is called twerking and it is pretty much the type of thing that has been celebrities do for attention.

2) Quick someone call 911, that girl over there is having a seizure, her ass is moving out of control. Everyone stay calm, that is just what we call twerking. It's what girls who are desperate for attention do.
by Hobbes69 September 25, 2013
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the act of moving/ shaking ones ass/buns/bottom/buttocks/bum-bum in a circular, up-and-down, and side-to-side motion.

basically a slutty dance. derived from strip clubs.

when a girls' ass moves like a bowl of Jell-O
Man: She was twerking so hard on my dick last night! I thought it was gonna go numb!!

Girl: that girl is such a slut for twerking at the dance!
by ms.ladylike January 4, 2012
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he act of moving/ shaking ones ass/ butt/ booty in a circular, up-and-down, and side-to-side motion. commonly mistaken as dancing . Prime indicator of a sub-100 IQ
-Oh god that bitch is nasty!! Twerking is so nasty. shaking her ass like that she must have some bad mental issues.
by Real dictionary June 8, 2015
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