A place in Arizona that serves one purpose; to educate the young people that decide to spend four years in a city 3 degrees cooler than hell. Of course, Wildcat Football is heating up!
Hey let's go watch UCLA lose in Tucson at Homecoming again.
by Popp August 11, 2007
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Verb- When you have a conversation with someone who has little to no IQ. That split moment your brain physically has pain from the ignorant questions you are presented with by a homegrown resident of Tucson, AZ. When you are presented with questions or statements that make your common sense and IQ lower.
"Hey bud, You're about to get Tucsoned!"
Customer-"How do I put gas in this electric bike?" Employee- "I Just Got Tucsoned!!"
by Non Resident September 9, 2021
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A city full of old people, morons from Minnesota, and people who can't drive for shit on the fucked-up road system we have here. Not to mention the Mexican Mafia quartered south of town.
I was stuck here for 11 years... man am I glad to get the hell out of here!@
by this city SUCKS February 24, 2005
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-A city of almost 500,000 people, half of them Mexicans and/or homeless.
-Always tons of traffic because there are no freeways.
-If you don't have a car, you'll literally die of boredom.
-A 99 cent store at every corner
-A place where I thought only University of Arizona students moved to, because no one else in their right mind should otherwise.
-On the bright side, with low humidity levels (30% and down), the weather kicks ass.
I can't understand how those who were born and raised in Tucson chose to go to the U of A. That was your chance to escape, fuckers!!
by get_me_the_hell_outta_here November 13, 2005
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I live in Tucson... take my advice: dont ever move there. Vacation, ok sure why not? But there is nothing to do in tucson besides school, U of A basketball games, and... well nothing.
Jimmy moved to Tucson for 2 months and he soon died of boredom... literally.
by ZMo January 15, 2005
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A good place to go to school in and thats it. If Tucson didn't have the University of Arizona it would be one of the worst cities in America.
Thank god I have the option of leaving Tucson after I graduate.
by UofA87 July 14, 2006
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