Two lip piercings on opposite sides of the mouth.
dayum boiiiiii. you's gots dem phat snake bites. werd.
by Ryab January 30, 2005
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During a 3 way, preferably that consisting of two women, as the man comes close to ejaculating he gives one of the two women a hickey and continues to ejaculate on to the hickey. Immediately following ejaculation the man must exclaim "suck out the venom!" at which point the second woman sucks the semen off of the first women and spits it off to the side.
Dude I did a snake bite with the two girls last night it was crazy.
by City of Destiny July 30, 2011
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A contraception method. After ejaculating into the vagina, you use your mouth as a vacuum and suck all the semen out to avoid pregnancy.
"Did you use a condom?" "No, I just went snake bite."
by SofaLover May 16, 2010
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When the very tip of your dick feels an unmistakable sharp Peirce. It's around the inside of it but still at the very tip.
Shit man, I have a Snake Bite.”

Damn bro I hate those.”
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When one sucks out his own ejaculate from the vagina as a method of birth control
Bazza came to fast last Saturday, so he used the snake bite to suck out the baby venom
by Jadepugmire March 22, 2018
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This happens when a guy is drunk and having sex with some chick and accidentally blows inside of her. He then proceds to try to suck his own cum out of her, the same way a person would try to suck out the venom if bitten by a poisonous snake.
Friend: "Yo bro, how was fuckin' that bitch last night"

Guy: "Aw shit, the fuckin' was awesome, but I blew in her so I was snake biting for like 15 minutes."

Friend: "That sucks...Literally"
by bushwick bill April 12, 2007
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It's a pinch when you take your thumb and stick it between either your pointer and middle finger or middle finger and ring finger and grab someone's skin between the thumb and whichever finger is on the bottom at the moment.
Boy 1: Hey your mom's ugly!
Boy 2: Snake bite!
Boy 1: What?!
(Snake bite happens)
Boy 1: Ouch!
by Kaheem E. August 24, 2005
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